About Cybersecurity Seminars
This program, which will cover a wide range of cybersecurity issues relating to embedded systems and information systems, will enable us to strengthen and develop our students' cybersecurity training, and to pass on the benefits of this training to the community at large, by raising awareness of cybersecurity risks among the general public, and providing support to local authorities and businesses to help them deal with the cybersecurity problems they face. Finally, it will strengthen and develop the organization of federative events involving a wide audience of experts and non-experts in the field of cybersecurity, promoting the attractiveness of academic and industrial sectors in this field, and developing a cybersecurity community.
About Grenoble INP - Esisar
Grenoble INP - Esisar is part of Grenoble INP, Graduate schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes. Based in the Valence campus, Grenoble INP – Esisar, an Engineering school in cybersecure intelligent systems trains our future engineers in Embedded Systems and IT technologies at the heart of societal challenges with a cutting-edge curriculum spanning Electronics, Computer Sciences/IT, Control and Networks. Throughout their training, students are put into numerous situations, both at school and in the workplace, which, in addition to technical knowledge, help them to achieve the general skills they are aiming for: creativity, initiative, the ability to adapt to changing technologies and situations, the ability to communicate professionally with stakeholders, cooperation and teamwork.
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